Your (Almost) Daily Harlock Fix

1. Toei has set up a Harlock film YouTube site [here].  I think it’s a great move and it kind of makes me wonder why it took them this long.  Anyway, the great Watcha found out a great resource for YouTube videos, called Amara.  The idea with Amara is that you can upload subtitles, and they’ll link them to the corresponding videos on YouTube, so that then you can share a link through which people can watch the video with your subtitles and without stepping on the original uploader’s toes (that said, I’m not sure if the hits counter over in YouTube goes up when you watch a video through Amara).

Amara’s formatting options for subtitles seem pretty primitive, and the site freezes on me every once in a while, but it’s still a great option.  I’ll provide a link here to the latest trailer (the so-called 60-second trailer).  Choose English subtitles and watch the video.  Then let me know if it actually works!  And anyone can then download the subs, create their own language version, and link it to the same video.  Ideally, of course, I’d embed the video here but the free version of WordPress won’t allow me to embed from Amara.  Anyway, the link is [here].

2. I started reading the film novelization.  Last night I finished chapter one, which is right at the point where the 12 minute preview of the film ends.  This morning I couldn’t resist and read the first 3 pages of chapter two.  To my surprise, I immediately ran into one of the most mysterious lines from the very earliest trailers.  Remember that talk about the Nibelungs and the energy engine?  Well, the line is in the novel and it belongs to Yattaran, speaking to Yama: “It’s an eternal energy engine developed by a lost alien civilization called the Nibelungs.”

Nibelungs are cool.

~ by Haloed Bane on August 10, 2013.

32 Responses to “Your (Almost) Daily Harlock Fix”

  1. It worked nicely. We added the french translation. Thanks again for the original “master” in english !

  2. cool the World must know of this site!

  3. … and unrelated, but doing my bit for the advertising campaign (no expense spared in the UK! 😉 )

    Though sadly the T Shirt didn’t show up that well in the sunlight!! Anyway: who needs trucks?!

    • Wow!! Now you need to be riding from Cornwall all the way to Skye, and of course singing songs all along.

      I have to admit: the older I get, the more I want to have a farm and get a few horses..

  4. hxxp://

    [change hxxp to http]

    Not film related, but possibly a hint of things to come in the Ultimate Journey… Check out the picture of the ships… Both Deathshadows, *2* Arcadias (the fabled Dai-Arcadia-go at last?!) and several other familiar vessels! It’s kind of Jane’s Guide for the leijiverse in miniature… (the zoom function is quite good here – lots of detail!!)

    • Ah, totally. You have a Valkyrie Swan as well in there. Oh, and apparently the book includes a “cross talk” with Haruma and Oguri from the Capt. Harlock film. This book will probably discuss both the Harlock film and the Mahoroba film. I might need to get it, though I really should save some money :/

    • Oh, the description on Amazon is awesome. It does have interviews with Leiji (99 questions answered), Aramaki and the writer of Ultimate Journey, plus intel on the Mahoroba project and tons of Harlock stuff. I went ahead and ordered it from cdjapan (there were 8 copies left~).

      • Does sound rather good… the other books coming out are, I think mostly art or reprints of manga chapters (one of which I think finally adds Sexaroid in the Dinosaur Zone to my collection!!) I had this one on pre-order from Amazon, but CDJapan are a)cheaper and b) ship direct without me having to pay extra to my third-party guy!!

        • CDJapan is just a better bet than these days.. Yeah, this book seems to be very “now” geared.

  5. Interesting site. I added the Brazilian Portuguese translation. Can’t wait to see this film.

  6. *movie

  7. Stop reading that book! NOW!

    • I ended up reading half of it and then stopping, to wait for the movie.

      • Thank goodness… we have to leave some surprises for the film, grin! And I do think we’re going to be surprised. I mean, let’s face it, every incarnation of Harlock we’ve ever had has something new….

        • … new pants as well!! 😉 Can’t wait to see how you fit “Black with studs” into the analysis! (and btw – welcome! Your site is sadly missed!!)

          • omg, how are you? Long time no speak, hey! Yes, the new pants…they kind of go with the new ship… all knobbly and gnarly and perhaps (to insert some psychobabble) indicate the twisted and tortured state of Harlock’s soul…what is everyone making of the age thing? 100 years is a long time to wallow in misery. I’m not sure how I feel about him being 100+ years old. While immortality is great for character building, it’s kind of turned Harlock and the Arcadia into an interstellar Marie Celeste. I’m not sure how to deal with that, to be honest! (I’ll have to redo my website once I have assimilated all this newness… sigh!)

            • Good to know you’re still around!… Join us on the forum – a bit of lively debate is always appreciated!!

              There’s a lot of leather and metal in the costume this time as well! The whole ensemble is armoured, protective, functional – Which fits – He’s even more distant and “don’t touch me” than ever, judging by the materials I’ve seen and read so far! Thank the stars for Yama and his blue-pants… 😉

              I get more of a Fliegende Hollander vibe than Marie Celeste myself… (which fits the existing mythos nicely – Harlock Saga’s references lead you to Seigfried – who was Prince of Xanten (modern day Holland!), and the series has cycled over the years from Jason (SPCH) to Tennyson’s Ulysses (Endless Odyssey) and the Wagnerian motif fits!!) They deliberately refer to him as “cursed” in the trailors more than once, so I suspect this might be deliberate!!

              • see… that’s why you should be writing about this stuff! I wonder if the writers of the movie were consciously following the Wagnerian motif – or any other motif’s for that matter. I mean, it’s not like Leiji hadn’t planted many a fertile seed…..

                Forum? What? Where?


                • LOL! Actually, I *write* fiction like this – this is why I can spot it!! (Or at least, tend to pounce on anything that *looks* as though it’s doing something clever and mythic… 😉 )

                  • You do? Do you post it anywhere publicly?

                    • Eek… yes – and damn, it’s been a while since I posted anything!! Round about the time usenet finally went t*ts-up IIRC!!

                      Only the old Doctor-Who related “fanfic” – and I do use the word loosely!! I really don’t like playing around with direct fanfic so when a) some idiot bet me I couldn’t write a science-fiction story as a fantasy or vice versa for any given McGuffin/trope and b) I kept getting pestered for contributions for fanzines/fanthologies I kind of went for it and wrote a bucketload of stuff based around the alt-verse “Battlefield” Arthurian world, and filed the serial numbers off… 😉 I also did have permission from a couple of writers to use their own DW references (David McIntee’s version of the Master for one!!

                      Not sure how much sense they make if you weren’t a reader of first Virgin New/Past Adventures or the BBC book range back in the 90’s-early 00’s though! I was *seriously* taking the mick in places…!

                      Link to- Or google alt.drwho.creative under my name and “BoT” (Book of Taliesin) as a subject tag!

                      I took the direct link off the index on my site as I actually wanted to run with non-actionable versions of these, shedding the oblique pop-culture references and going whole hog with the myths (for e.g. my Master-expy ‘Kastchei’ becomes Sigurd… – oddly, that origin for him fits so well I’m almost scared by my own genius here… 😉 ) I’ve already started re-writing my novel length epic and strangely – don’t need to tweak that much!

                      There are still some drabbles floating around adwc on usenet as well – one or two referencing Harlock IIRC…

                      As it happens in was a fellow adwc-er who introduced me to Matsumoto’s work, and I’m forever grateful! He’s an awesome writer as well – google BK (Brad) Willis on the usenet, and check him out – did a lot of anime crossovers and was, IMHO, wasted writing fanfic!! Lost touch a few years ago, sadly… I’d love to know what he thinks of the new film! (One of his characters was based (loosely) on Harlock – though at the time I’d actually suspected Snake Plissken was the model!! 😉 )

                    • Thank you! Fortunately I like Dr Who so the stories made sense – they were great, thanks! And I goggled, er, googled BK Willis as well. Nice! I write some fanfic myself, not Harlock though, because I think he’s a tough character to get into. I don’t envy the task of those who’ve had to write scripts for the anime/movie – maybe that’s why he’s so, well, different, each time we see him?

  8. Hello, Anyone know when and if the movie will be shown in USA? – thx!

    • No news 😦

      • The Hong Kong youtube trailer says it’s being released there on November 28 (in 3D, darnit!). Once it hits HK I would imagine a DVD rip won’t be far behind. Living in Australia, I’ll be counting on it. (Because we get everything last, don’t you know!)

        At any rate, if you haven’t already seen it, it’s an interesting trailer, one I haven’t seen before. No dialogue or narration whatsoever, and a few moments I haven’t seen in other trailers……yet!

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