Harlock, Harlock, Harlock

Swamped with work, hardly have time do anything else (though I’m getting paid for the work, so at least it’s not all bad).  OK, here are three exciting news:

1) There’s a new Anglophone Harlock Forum!!!


The site is [here].  The site is called Et in Arcadia Ego, a fact which proves once again that Helens usually get their way (it’s been like that since antiquity).  A great thank you to Captain Ultimate-Journey, who finally took charge and made this absolutely necessary site happen.  I believe there are 7 members at this point, so there’s definitely room for more!

2. The film crew is sailing!!!

…the waters of Tokyo Bay, which is not really that impressive, truth be told, but at least they’re doing it aboard Leiji’s very own Hotaruna.  Please check out the video via Amara [here] and be sure to “Select Language” to put the English subs in.

By the way, if after watching that video you feel an imperious need to watch Ayano doing a chicken, YouTube is more than happy to oblige.  Watch around minute 2:10 [here].

3. Ecce Oyama

oyama pic

Courtesy of the film’s Facebook fan page [here].  I’m totally digging this, but I’d like to know what you think.  I wonder to what extent Leiji was involved in this conception…

EDIT: Thanks to Satch for the Oyama pic!!!

~ by Haloed Bane on August 24, 2013.

16 Responses to “Harlock, Harlock, Harlock”

  1. …and the ever-wonderful CPZ found another gem –

    But be warned – spoilers ahoy!! (But some VERY tasty artwork!!)

    [quote] fact which proves once again that Helens usually get their way [ quote]

    Oy! I didn’t twist his/her arm!! 😉

    Seems to be trotting along nicely, but I think we could do with a few more topics to ramble about!!

    • I don’t know what forum Yamato 2199 should go in.

    • I’m sure if you tell the forum Captain she can set any other forums up (maybe through the suggestions forum?).

      • IIRC threads can be moved by admin, so give it your best shot and start it if you want, I guess? If they don’t like it there, it’s no big deal to shift it!

        • If you do it make a thread for Yamato 2199, make sure to prepare a sub-forum for it called “Rebel projects and assorted betrayals”, just in case Mr. Matsumoto hits on the site while browsing the net one day 😉

    • I was actually considering naming it “The Book of Life” or “El Leijiverso,” but I thought that “Et in Arcadia Ego” would be more recognizable (for lack of a better term) to the new fans.

  2. Well the movie is out and is suppose to be good. Not as good as Arcadia of My Youth but better than Endless Odyssey.

    On the Yamato 2199 front: Episode 25 will be aired in it entirety for the first time this weekend on MBS TV. 5pm Tokyo time (1 am Pacific time). It is almost over. Its theater run ended, there are two episodes left to air on TV and the last Blu-ray disc will be out October 25th. And I’m enjoying the hell out of this show.

    • That is Sunday by the way.

    • AOMY is pretty awesome, but part of the reason is that it’s on steroids, as it were. It’s not really one story, but 3 stories or so chosen for their kick-assness and joined into 1.

      I wonder if Yamato 2199 will have a super different ending. Also, will there be a season 2? It seems to be doing very well.

      • Next week in the finale. From what I understand, the ending is more or less the same, though I’ve heard rumors that it can be interpreted in different ways due to the (still) not entirely explained nature of the Cosmo Reverse System.

        One claim is that the System might destroy Yamato when its used (Genisis Device n nature). Others that the ship will survive. We, again from what I’ve heard, don’t see the device used, only the effect it has after when Earth changes from a red dying planet into a blue and gree ball we live on.

        There is no official word on a sequel as of yet. There is unofficial word that the topic comes up from time to time and the General Director sometimes want to do it and sometimes he doesn’t.

        I think it worries him. Probably because the second story is much tighter and very well received. Not as much room to change stuff and fit in the surviving new characters while also introducing the actual new characters from those stories (the Marines in particular).

  3. Animekritik, come back!!!

    I have a question for you. I finally acquired a copy of De los Remedios de Cualquier Fortuna which you had introduced me to. But there was one saying you had in there which I cannot find (and your tumblr disappeared?). I believe it began with “I am not powerful”, and it said that god and the devil have been in constant war for eternity, yet you have the power to choose, and that is true power. I have been looking for this saying in the book but cannot find it. It definitely does not seem to be in the “No soy poderoso.” chapter. Do you recall where you found this saying?

    • Actually, I’m about to officially shut down this blog (I just came here today to write down my last post, though I’ll keep it online).
      You mean this one, right?
      “I am not powerful. God is all-powerful and yet evil endures in the universe. Satan has dominion over this world and yet he cannot escape the fiery pits of Hell. For eons both have persisted without seemingly achieving their goals. Yet you are here and have yet to choose a goal for yourself. You have freedom, and that is the ultimate power.”

      I’m pretty sure I came up with that one myself. It’s too heretical to be Quevedo’s.

      • Shutting down?! Awww hell… you’ll be missed! Few enough Matsumoto fans online these days… (don’t be a stranger though – if you get round to watching those shows I sent over I’d love to hear your thoughts!)

        • Will do~ I’m hoping once I shut down the blog they’ll announce US dates for the Harlock film, and an update on Mahoroba etc 😀

      • Ah no! You will be missed.

        That one was my favorite though. You have done a better job than Quevedo. 🙂

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